Friday, July 6, 2012

Fluff & the Fourth

I was a little nervous about taking a week to go to my hubby's family's camp, but decided to give it a shot. Of course, this meant I would have to use the dreaded laundromat for my fluff... Ugh... BUT I now realize I was just being negative. It's a lot easier than I first expected!

Here's how I did it...
I use a combination of the Flip system & Bumgenius 4.0 so between both I have enough to last me more than a few days, but didn't want them to be stinky. So, I used them normally, except that when they were soiled, I took them to the bathroom and rinsed them very well in the sink and then basically put them out to dry so they didn't soil in the bag. When dried, into the bag they went to await washing.

Two days later, I had to go in to town to wash. I had two different choices for washers: front & top loaders. After examining them and smelling them (touching and feeling for oils, residue, I decided to go with the front loader. There were no options on either for temperatures or water levels so I ran a "normal" cycle. I also added the normal recommended amount of detergent. When they were finished, they seemed to be clean, but to be sure, I ran one more normal wash with no detergent. Even my inserts were perfectly white.

I decided rather than line drying the inserts that I would put them onto dry. This is what I do at home, so the results were the same. After some gawking from other women folding their clothing, I got out of there in a little under an hour. I was very pleased.

When I arrived back at the cabin, I hung the covers/pockets, out in the bathroom and after discovering that the inserts were very slightly damp, I decided to hang them out on the lawn chairs on the screened in porch. The results were perfectly normal and didn't disrupt any of my restful vacation. Ah... The beauty of fluff ;) I can safely say now, that I will never fear the laundromat again!

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